City Villages
CITY VILLAGES manages each project to achieve low operating and capital costs by designing buildings that have low maintenance requirements and high levels of sustainability. Our designs are innovative & compact. They maximize land use and building value.

You are never too young or too old to blaze a new trail for yourself and others. CITY VILLAGES was formed for the express purpose of building new infill housing for groups and individuals. Our approach lets us construct custom buildings that are very affordable, sustainable and designed to your needs.
We have developed a new way to plan inner City Communities and our signature Village. Our ideas focus on infill developments that cater to small 2 to 4 or more apartment buildings that are easy to build and rent. The designs cater to millennials, aging and can be built in R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 zones in our inner city suburbs
Check out our blog and community pages for how this works. Planning can be by people and for the village and/or community. Sustainable Development has three aspects, Social, Environmental and Economic. Our process leads with Social Sustainability, knowing that this can lead to full economic and environmental sustainability

Ottawa City Hall


Biking for Everyone

Ottawa City Hall
Chris Jalkotzy and Jean Favreau have many years of combined design, construction and management experience.