City Villages
Vanier Village
The information on this page was assembled and developed by students from Carleton University, Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism. These students are Steph Agar, Nahid Ahmadi, Balquis Attef, Neha Bhargava, Audrey Caron, Shawn Duke, Mia Giommi, Kripa Gyawali, Tori Hamatani, Michelle Harper, Eisa Hayashi, Cristina Hoang, Anna Leung, Dawn Ling, Tyson Moll, Heeva Salemi, Sabrina Shen, Jason Surkan, and Oliver Tang (submitted projects)
Collaborators: Geoff Heinzman (ModBox), Jamie Kwong, Sophie Lamothe, David Renfroe
If any information contained in these documents is used it must be attributed to the above aforementioned students.
The studio won the 2016 Studio Prize Winner from THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS
Relevant City of Ottawa Zoning Bylaws, Community Plans and Official Plan
Montreal Road District Secondary Plan
Over the past few years as a designer specializing in infill projects I was not satisfied with the current process followed by the City of Ottawa for these types of projects. As part of my investigation of sites for clients it was necessary to speak with neighbours and community groups. What we need is a place we could go and see what neighbours thought about a property. That requires people to put their "favorate" aspects about their community into a map. This could be that map.